星期六, 六月 26, 2010

Tasksel in Ubuntu Server

Tasksel is an installation system that is an integral part of the Debian installer (it is also included in Ubuntu). Tasksel groups software packages by tasks and offers an easy way to install all the packages needed for that task. It provides the same functionality as using conventional meta-packages.

You can view a list of available tasks by entering the following from a terminal prompt:
tasksel --list-tasks
You can view a list of which packages are installed with each task  using the --task-packages option.        For example, to list the packages installed with the DNS Server task enter the following:      
tasksel --task-packages dns-server

Install the task

sudo tasksel install dns-server
Run the tasksel in the basic GUI
sudo tasksel

星期五, 六月 25, 2010

Network interface problem when copy the Ubuntu Server Image over Virtual Machine

When copy the Ubuntu Server image file to another machine,the previous bridge Ethernet interface can not be actived in the new machine, even use sudo ifup eth0 command.

Here, you have to clean the previous interfaces in the /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules , remove the #PCI device entries with non existing MAC address. 

Then restart udev to allow the change to take affect by /etc/init.d/udev restart

Nest step is to let the kernel module to awear the ethernet device by using the following commands.

modprobe -r module
modprobe module

 *The module name from the 70-persistent-net.rules

Now, use ifconfig, the eth0 shold be up now.

星期一, 六月 21, 2010

Configure the Grub Menu in Ubuntu 10.04

Grub will be installed when Ubuntu installation detects another OS on the disk, and the Ubuntu system is always has the priority in the boot list by default.
Here is how to configure the Grub Menu to change the OS sequence.

Go to Applications->Accessories->Terminal, enter
cp /boot/grub/grub.cfg /boot/grub/grub.cfg.original
  #make a backup of original configuration file

sudo gedit /boot/grub/grub.cfg
  #open the grub.cfg in GEdit with root privileges

Inside file, search the blocks start with "menuentry", these are the boot menu entries. Comment those unwanted ones to disable them, and move up/down the block to change the sequence.

After editing, save the file and reboot, and the new Grub Menu will take affect.